Happy New Year! 2025 has finally dawned.
A quarter century has passed since the beginning of the 2000s, when PRONEWS begun in Japan. Times change rapidly, and the “video” landscape that unfolds before our eyes has been repainted by new technologies one after another. We are now in an age where video generation by AI is becoming a reality. Being trapped by existing frameworks and common sense is the most dangerous act that closes off creative possibilities.
However, we at PRONEWS are not afraid of change. Rather, we embrace change, turn it into strength, and continue to take on new challenges.
In 2025, our editorial team will be even more rooted in the field than ever before, and deliver to you the pulse of the field of “video” that we have experienced first-hand. We will do our utmost to provide you with useful information for this wonderful, ever-expanding world. And we will set new goals and take an even stronger step forward in our challenge.
Please look forward to the future that PRONEWS envisions for 2025.
– PRONEWS Editorial Department