At Adobe MAX in October 2022, Adobe announced the integration of the RED V-RAPTOR with the V-RAPTOR XL camera. With this integration, you can get 8K REDCODE RAW files directly from your camera to the cloud. All you need is a camera, a paid Frame.io or Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, and a high-bandwidth internet connection, no other hardware or hard disk required.
Michael Cioni, senior director of global innovation at Adobe, commented:
Sioni: We are very happy to announce that the beta firmware is now public and available. We test new features extensively ourselves before releasing them. We used this workflow in our latest launch video and found it incredibly fast, easy, and robust. During this production, 8K RAW R3D files, CDL, ProRes proxy files, WAV and automatic submission of custom LUTs associated with each take were sent directly to Frame.io with 4TB of 8K RAW without downloading from MAG. did. To be clear, this requires an internet speed of at least 800Mbps upstream.
However, it is also possible to choose a ProRes proxy workflow.
The ProRes proxy workflow doesn’t require much network infrastructure (minimum upload speed of 80Mbps) and can send high-quality files, including metadata, to editors as soon as the camera cuts. No need to wait for backing up camera cards, shipping drives, and worrying about media being safely stored in the cloud. In addition, it became possible to accurately capture the off-speed recording that many people wanted.

Sioni: Since we announced Camera to Cloud in early 2021, we’ve grown from our first two hardware partnerships to over 10. This in-camera integration is just the beginning of such partnerships and is key to future medialess workflows.
The future workflows enabled by these partnerships are just the beginning.